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Setbacks Happen.

Setbacks Happen.

On every journey there will always be setbacks. No matter who you are and what your background is setbacks will happen. Even the most accomplished, richest people in the world have had setbacks along the way, and yet they are still thriving. Setbacks have the power to...

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I Closed My Door Today.

I Closed My Door Today.

I closed my door today. It is a novel idea that I’ve had before but actually went through with it for awhile this morning and it was amazing. I work for myself as a graphic designer, so I work from home with 3 amazingly energetic, chaotic kids and a crazy puppy that...

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Choose Happiness.

Choose Happiness.

Choose happiness. Read that again. Choose happiness. Happiness can be a choice in pretty much any walk of life. How you interpret your surroundings or circumstances will dictate how you feel. Somedays it’s much harder and that’s ok. There will always be good days and...

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Why Reinvent Happy?

Why Reinvent Happy?

I started a journey to reinvent my happy a long time ago, but it really didn’t take stride until a couple of years ago. I am a mother of 3 crazy kids and a crazy puppy, I run a graphic design freelance business from home. I live a full, chaotic, crazy life. Somewhere...

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