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Jen Danchetz
Mistakes happen

That’s Enough For Me.

Struggling today. It’s just one of those days where nothing seems to be going my way. But then I read Day 15 of The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest, and it makes complete sense.  ­ I will be my own loyal companion and not life engaging in things that can only bring about my own unhappiness. I know better than that. I am better than that. I am no longer going to feel like I’m not enough because I am more than enough.

I have been participating in my own suffering by believing I wasn’t good enough when in reality, it was you that wasn’t good enough for me. By trying so hard for you to notice me and begging to be loved. I knew deep down things changed and yet I let myself think that you would change for me. But it wasn’t me, it was you.

I deserve all the happiness in the world and the only person I will find that through is myself. Some days are truly hard to find it, but it will be there. The storms will clear and the sun will rise again, but I will always be enough for me. There is no one like me in the world, I’m a magical fuc%^ing unicorn, lol. That’s enough for me.