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End of the year reflection.

I’ve been reflecting on the past year for a bit now. Thinking about everything that I didn’t do and getting down on myself for what I didn’t accomplish. This depresses me, but if change the way I look at it and see all that I did accomplish it changes my mindset. If I can flip the narrative everything changes.

This was a tough year with family health issues, my health issues, business still trying to come back from COVID, kids schedules and dealing with their own issues, but I am still standing. I need to remember all of this which has shaped where I am today.

Just because I may not have hit every goal does not mean the year was a loss. I did accomplish a lot. I was there to drive my father to his cancer treatments and my mother to her doctor appointments when needed. I started working for myself about 11 years ago, when Claire was a toddler so I could be home for my kids. I knew I wanted the freedom to stay home and work and I achieved that. I was home for both boys and now that they are in school full time, my business gives me the freedom to be available for the rest of my family.

What if I say to myself – I didn’t achieve all my goals – yes, but I achieved a lot of goals. My goals shifted throughout the year as life happened. Any goals I still want to achieve can be added to next year. If I can flip the narrative everything changes.

Goals change as life changes and I’m ok with that, so even though it was a tough year – it’s ending on a positive note because while business goals may have bene put on hold, I’ve learned that life is more important and being a good human is a better goal to have.

All in all, as I said it was a tough year filled with so many ups and downs. Those ups and downs are what makes up life. Learning to change and adapt to what the Universe throws at us is what makes us human.