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This week, I decided to take a break from social media, for a few different reasons but mainly the mindless scrolling wasn’t helping my productivity and focus. I’ve thought about doing this in the past but always used the excuse – my business is online I need to be on social media. But in all honesty social media has not gotten me the clients and business that would make it worthwhile to be on there all the time. Yes, I am going to go back, not sure when, but after I get it out of my system that at any dull moment I need to scroll. I have my accounts deactivated and yet I find moment I am still going to them. It’s like a drug. I know they aren’t active but I pick up my phone anyway out of habit to go to Instagram or Facebook.

Since I’ve been off social media – today is day 3 – I’ve been more productive in work, more in the moment which helps my anxiety, and I started a book I’ve wanted to read for a couple of years but never thought I had the time. Guess what? I do have the time. The time I would be mindlessly scrolling at night – I can read a book. I can take more time to draw and paint.

It is an interesting experiment for me. I never thought I could do it and I did it cold turkey – no warning, just deactivated. It has only been a few days so I am hoping with time I won’t go to check the app as much. When I get to that point, I will go back. If I find I need to post for work I will but I don’t see not being on social media for a bit as crashing my business as much as giving me peace of mind.

I am still writing and will have lots of posts created for my return, but I’ve already noticed my mindset is changing. I have found that my peace of mind is clearer and it has made it more possible to be in the moment. Being present in the moment has always been a way for me to calm the knives in my head (anxiety).

I was thinking about this in my morning meditation and when I pulled cards the Universe is telling me I am doing the right thing for me. I chose:

Heal – I allow stillness to heal and reveal – “If we take a moment to be still, even amongst the chaos, we get in touch with our true essence and can tune into a more centered presence. Stories of our past, mistakes we’ve made, regret, resentment, heartache, deep wounds or lessons – these can all be healed, and we can always be restored.

Each time you soften into the present moment you have an opportunity to heal, grow, and create something better. No matter what has happened along the way, you have not been ruined and there is no un-healable state of mind. Surrender and be gently with yourself today. Show up just as you are. Allow stillness to heal and reveal whatever is present. A radiant woman is emerging from the depths of the earth, having lived a life full of many textures and teachings. You’re powerful beyond measure and must participate in your own healing.”

This. Is. Everything. I will heal and be restored to even a stronger version of me. But right now I need to do whatever I feel I need to get back to the healing process to move forward.

The second card: Focus – I focus on what is working – “Emotions and thoughts are powerful. They can pull us in every direction if we’re not aware of their strength. When we pay attention, we affirm our ability to more consciously direct them. In any moment we can choose to make a positive shift and uplift our perspective. Focus on what is working in your life. Stop fixating on the imperfections. As soon as you notice your thoughts spiraling you down, call it out and shift gears. Keep adjusting your mind to choose a better way. Align your emotions with thoughts that make you feel lighter and happier – use your imagination if need be. Turn this into one of your most dedicated daily practices, and soon you’ll experience incredible triumph, resiliency, and well-being. Go for progress, not perfection. Total harmony is the body is greatly dependent on balance in the mind. Think healthy thoughts.”

This. Is. Everything. I will focus on the processes in my life that are working. I will make a positive mindset shift. Progress no matter how small the step is progress. And a friend told me on this subject that “if something shoves you back down (on your path to happiness), you need to double the aggression and get back up and shove it down harder than it shoved you.” I will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes that were created when you tried to burn me.

If you struggle with anxiety and anxious thoughts, I challenge you to get off social media for some time, even just a day or couple of days. It is an amazing experience, although I miss it, I know it is helping me to focus on what I want and to focus on my happiness outside of social media which is the most important thing to being a good human.
