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Be True to You

Do you find that you compare yourself to others? Maybe you compare your looks, accomplishments, age, status, anything really. Comparison can only bring you insecurity and self-doubt. Your self-confidence and self-esteem will suffer.

I compare myself to others all the time, but I am working on it. It is hard in our society to not compare ourselves to others when we are bombarded with images of beautiful men and women all over the place. No matter where we turn, tv, social media, movies, we are taught at a young age to compare our flaws to seemingly perfect people. Society set a standard that no one can really live up to. So how do we change our thought process and learn to live with these images but compare ourselves?

We also compare our accomplishments and status by age. I am 45 and constantly feel like I should be at a certain place in my life and career. I shouldn’t act a certain way, dress a certain way, and definitely not try to build a company at this age. But what does age really matter? Just because generations before us grew up a certain way, why do we have to follow that? As humans we are constantly evolving, why can’t comparison evolve too.

Someone will always be prettier.
Someone will always be smarter.
Someone will always be younger.
But they will never be you.

You need to be true to you, in all of your glorious uniqueness. There is no one else in the world who is exactly like you. Whatever flaws we might think we have, someone could be comparing themselves to you thinking your flaws are amazing. Instead of comparing, change the narrative in your head and don’t talk down to yourself just because you don’t look like someone else.

Being true to you means loving yourself, mind, body, and soul, flaws and all, no matter what we see. We are all perfectly imperfect and we need to be ok with this in order to find true happiness.