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Choose Happiness

Choose happiness. Read that again. Choose happiness. Happiness can be a choice in pretty much any walk of life. How you interpret your surroundings or circumstances will dictate how you feel. Somedays it’s much harder and that’s ok. There will always be good days and bad days. Good minutes and bad minutes but if you can make those bad minutes less and less, choosing happiness gets easier.

We get from the world what we put into it. If we constantly think bad, dark thoughts that is what we get. If we choose happiness and practice gratitude – even when we don’t have a lot – then that is what we get back. We can be grateful that we woke up this morning, that the sun is shining, that our kids are laughing. Whatever little thing that you can be grateful for will help you change your thoughts. Slowly, but it’s there.

My life is crazy. I have 3 kids who are home on summer break, a dog, I own my own graphic design business and I am trying to start this new business. I work from home so I am constantly interrupted and distracted as much as I try to instill boundaries in my kids, there is always an emergency like can I have a snack. It’s frustrating and stressful, especially when deadlines loom. And in those moments, I have a choice on how to react. I don’t always choose the correct way, lol. Sometimes I choose to stress and yell, but if I can change that to being grateful that I have a job or even that my coffee is delicious. Any little bit of happiness can change your mindset.

So, try it. Choose happiness when the dark clouds move in and maybe those clouds won’t stay for too long.