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reinvent happy
“I’ve always loved butterflies. They remind us that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.”
– Drew Barrymore
That’s Enough for me.

That’s Enough for me.

That's Enough For Me. Struggling today. It’s just one of those days where nothing seems to be going my way. But then I read Day 15 of The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest, and it makes complete sense.  ­ I will be my own loyal companion and not life engaging in things that can only bring about my own unhappiness. I know better than that. I am better than that. I am no longer going to feel like I’m not enough because I am more than enough. I have been participating in my own suffering by believing I wasn’t good enough when in reality, it was you that wasn’t good enough for me. By trying so hard...

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Sleep Makes The World Go Round

Sleep Makes The World Go Round

I realized something this week….sleep is amazing! I’ve been working on my sleep and trying to get to bed slightly earlier. Well, to be completely honest, I was good with my sleep until the last 2 nights when I have become entranced in Yellowstone. Tonight, is the last episode we have so sleep will come back after the depression I will go through when I have to say goodbye to the Dutton’s LOL. Anyway, before that, I found sleep to help me focus and be in a better mood, and deal with my kids and work better. It’s an amazingly simple idea and yet it has taken me this long to realize it. I have...

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Starting now, I choose me.

Starting now, I choose me.

It has taken me a long time to get to this place, but I am here. I will no longer be the people pleaser I have been my whole life. I choose me. I am enough. It is time for me to focus on  myself and what makes me healthy and happy. I will not apologize to anyone for choosing me. I’ve learned that boundaries are the most important thing for my mental and physical health. While they are so damn hard to create and hold, they are so important. I’ve been struggling for a long time, but when I got COVID for the second time in January, it hit me hard and has taken a long time to get back to myself....

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This week, I decided to take a break from social media, for a few different reasons but mainly the mindless scrolling wasn’t helping my productivity and focus. I’ve thought about doing this in the past but always used the excuse – my business is online I need to be on social media. But in all honesty social media has not gotten me the clients and business that would make it worthwhile to be on there all the time. Yes, I am going to go back, not sure when, but after I get it out of my system that at any dull moment I need to scroll. I have my accounts deactivated and yet I find moment I am...

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Flip the narrative and everything changes.

Flip the narrative and everything changes.

End of the year reflection. I’ve been reflecting on the past year for a bit now. Thinking about everything that I didn’t do and getting down on myself for what I didn’t accomplish. This depresses me, but if change the way I look at it and see all that I did accomplish it changes my mindset. If I can flip the narrative everything changes. This was a tough year with family health issues, my health issues, business still trying to come back from COVID, kids schedules and dealing with their own issues, but I am still standing. I need to remember all of this which has shaped where I am today....

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I’ve Been Gone Lately; It’s Time to Fin Myself Again

I’ve Been Gone Lately; It’s Time to Fin Myself Again

We’ve all been busy lately. My life has been completely full between the holidays, kid’s sports, work, family health issues, my own health issues, and everyday life. During all of this, I’ve lost sight of myself. I’ve felt down, sad, depressed, angry and frustrated searching for answers about why I feel this way. Worrying that depression was hitting again and maybe I’ve gone too far into the darkness. But this morning while meditating, a simple thought came to me – I’ve been gone lately, it’s time to find myself again. I am not lost and it’s that simple. That is the answer I was looking for....

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I am not perfect.

I am not perfect.

I am not perfect, and that is ok. Saturday morning meditation vibes. I’ve been meditating on this idea for a few days, and it has been so eye and soul opening. When I tell myself I am not perfect, my body loosens up. My body needed me to say this – to believe it and be ok with it to release tension. Tension that I am sure I have been holding onto since childhood. I’ve always felt the need to be perfect. I don’t know how or why it started, but the reason doesn’t matter. It can’t be changed, but I can change how I feel about it. Why do I need to be perfect? I don’t think anyone else needs to...

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Give Yourself Grace In the Chaos.

Give Yourself Grace In the Chaos.

It’s back to school time here, a time that I have looked forward to since school was let out last June. So why do I feel the blahs? As soon as the older kids left for the bus stop, I thought I would be golden. I’d get so much work done and get the house back in order after the summer mess. But I’m exhausted. I can’t concentrate or focus. I’ve lost all motivation and inspiration. Why? Summer and the end of the summer and getting ready for school is exhausting. Making sure each kid – 2 of which had 2 pages of school supplies needed, as well as some new clothes, lunches need to be made. Need to...

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Letting Go of the Past.

Letting Go of the Past.

You have to be down sometimes in order to rise. It’s amazing to me as I am on this journey of self-discovery, how many times I have tried to move past what I was feeling and downplay my sadness. So many times, I pack it down deep inside in order to not feel it. To me not feeling it was better than being sad. But what happens next? The panic attacks. I would pack it down so deep and keep putting more on top, that at some point it would bubble over and that is when the panic attacks happen – when I’ve packed all the feelings, stress and pain so tightly inside that I can’t pack anymore. I’m...

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A rainbow only exists after a storm.

A rainbow only exists after a storm.

You have to be down sometimes in order to rise. It’s amazing to me as I am on this journey of self-discovery, how many times I have tried to move past what I was feeling and downplay my sadness. So many times, I pack it down deep inside in order to not feel it. To me not feeling it was better than being sad. But what happens next? The panic attacks. I would pack it down so deep and keep putting more on top, that at some point it would bubble over and that is when the panic attacks happen – when I’ve packed all the feelings, stress and pain so tightly inside that I can’t pack anymore. I’m...

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Life is a journey, not a destination.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

I’ve heard that so many times and yet most of the time, I am so fixated on the destination that I forget to stop, realign, and bring myself back to the moment. Only when I am in the moment is when I feel a sense of calm. Whatever has happened in the past cannot change and the future is out of my control. In the moment is where my peace and happiness lives.   How many times have I said to myself, when this happens, I will be happy. But what if it never happens? How can I be happy now? Maybe being happy in this moment would make it easier to achieve this goal. My motivation and creative...

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Perfectly Imperfect.

Perfectly Imperfect.

Do you find that you compare yourself to others? Maybe you compare your looks, accomplishments, age, status, anything really. Comparison can only bring you insecurity and self-doubt. Your self-confidence and self-esteem will suffer. I compare myself to others all the time, but I am working on it. It is hard in our society to not compare ourselves to others when we are bombarded with images of beautiful men and women all over the place. No matter where we turn, tv, social media, movies, we are taught at a young age to compare our flaws to seemingly perfect people. Society set a standard that...

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Setbacks Happen.

Setbacks Happen.

On every journey there will always be setbacks. No matter who you are and what your background is setbacks will happen. Even the most accomplished, richest people in the world have had setbacks along the way, and yet they are still thriving. Setbacks have the power to make you give up on your goals and dreams in the blink of an eye. They can destroy your mindset making it seem like your world has ended. In reality though, it’s a bump in the road on your journey. Setbacks happen and the key to getting through them is simple. Take time in this moment to feel whatever it is you are feeling –...

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I Closed My Door Today.

I Closed My Door Today.

I closed my door today. It is a novel idea that I’ve had before but actually went through with it for awhile this morning and it was amazing. I work for myself as a graphic designer, so I work from home with 3 amazingly energetic, chaotic kids and a crazy puppy that fits right in. Summertime for me is not fun. I have an issue with placing boundaries, which causes a lot of stress and frustration for me. I feel like I have no time for my work as well as time for myself to even hear myself think. So today I closed my door for a little while. And it was amazing. I had time to think and to write....

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Choose Happiness.

Choose Happiness.

Choose happiness. Read that again. Choose happiness. Happiness can be a choice in pretty much any walk of life. How you interpret your surroundings or circumstances will dictate how you feel. Somedays it’s much harder and that’s ok. There will always be good days and bad days. Good minutes and bad minutes but if you can make those bad minutes less and less, choosing happiness gets easier. We get from the world what we put into it. If we constantly think bad, dark thoughts that is what we get. If we choose happiness and practice gratitude – even when we don’t have a lot – then that is what we...

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Why Reinvent Happy?

Why Reinvent Happy?

I started a journey to reinvent my happy a long time ago, but it really didn’t take stride until a couple of years ago. I am a mother of 3 crazy kids and a crazy puppy, I run a graphic design freelance business from home. I live a full, chaotic, crazy life. Somewhere along the line I lost my spark. I love my family, but I find myself struggling to be truly happy. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time and the pandemic has brought those feelings to a head. I have a started a journey to find the happiness through the chaos of life and to find what truly makes me happy. In...

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